
Sunday, 19 October 2014

Islamabad: World Health Organization (WHO) has warned that Ebola virus might spread to Pakistan sooner or later

WHO Representative in Pakistan Dr. Michel Thieren said that since Ebola virus is spreading faster across the world, Pakistan is also at a high risk of it. He suggested that Pakistan government should take speedy cautionary steps against the virus.

According to Dr. Michel, international passengers can carry the virus anywhere they travel. Michel stated that no measures at the airport can be taken to prevent the virus from spreading in the country.
However, raising awareness about the possible indications of the virus amongst the people and the security officials at the airport can be the most effective way to defend against Ebola Virus. Earlier, the Ministry of National Health prepared an emergency plan to deal with the Ebola virus. They suggested that the incoming passengers from African countries will be screened and medical staffs will be trained. According to the details, a high level meeting to discuss how to deal with the deadly Ebola virus took place in Islamabad. The meeting approved creation of ‘Ebola counters’ at the airports, temporary clinics and special wards in the hospitals. It was also decided that the Pakistan army personnel arriving from the peace keeping mission will be monitored for twenty one days. The provincial governments will also arrange screening and monitoring of passengers coming from African countries in their respective provinces.

World Health Organization’s (WHO) Representative Dr. Michel has already named Ebola virus a big threat and recommended training of medical staff. According to WHO, there is no any Ebola affected patient in Pakistan right now, however, if even a single affected patient entered in country without screening can cause the outbreak and this deadly disease can spread in the country.

The symptoms of deadly Ebola Virus are shown in image.
Here are some steps that can be helpful against Ebola Virus:

01- Avoid direct contact with blood, saliva, vomit, urine and other bodily fluids of people affected with Virus.
02- Avoid close contact with wild animals and avoid usage of wild meat.
03-  If you develop symptoms, be sure to tell your health care provider that you have traveled to a region where Ebola Virus was present.

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